Banco Alimentar
Telefone: 213 649 655
Fax: 213 622 442
List of business and outlets that work with Banco Alimentar:
Food Banks Against Hunger are …
A necessary response but provisional , because ” everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living that ensures you and your family , health and well -being , including food , clothing , housing and medical care and necessary social services ” (Excerpt of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights )
A vocation
Food Banks are Private Institutions of Social Solidarity fighting against wasting food , directing them for free distribution to the needy .
An ethic
The action of Food Banks based on gratuity , handout , sharing , volunteering and sponsorship .
A compromise
Food Banks in business collect and distribute tens of thousands of tons of products and support throughout the year , the action of more than 1,800 institutions in Portugal . In turn , they distribute cooked meals and food baskets to people in need proven , since the total distribution covering more than 275,000 people . The Portuguese Federation of Food Banks Against Hunger coordinates this action animates the network providing information and material means , represents the Food Banks Against Hunger with the public authorities , enterprises nationwide and international organizations and performs nationally , the breakdown of some donations , creating a vast chain of solidarity .