Aljezur is a small and quiet village, dominated by a 10th century Moorish castle. It is divided into two parts and lies in a fertile valley whose fields form a patchwork of various agricultural crops. When the Arabs built the castle, several streams ran through the area and the one that ran around the hill was so wide that allowed the boats to go up to Aljezur.
It has beaches with unique characteristics, the cliffs are high and steep, chosen by the sea birds that feel protected from Man here; the sea is a deeper and more mysterious blue and, next to the rocks, it rips in sea currents that only fish know how to navigate.
Useful contacts
Address: R. Cap. Salgueiro Maia, 8670-005 Aljezur
Tel: 282 990 010
E-mail: geral@cm-alzejur.pt
Junta de Freguesia de Aljezur
Tel: 282 998 343
Junta de Freguesia de Bordeira
Tel: 282 973 141
Junta de Freguesia de Odeceixe
Tel: 282 947 255
Junta de Freguesia de Rogil
Tel: 282 995 001
Tel: 282 990 140