APAA – Association for Protection of Animals Algarve
Associação de Protecção Animal do Algarve (APAA) has provided care for animals in the Algarve for 30 years. By paying part of the cost, we encourage private individuals to sterilise their pets, thereby reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, as well as helping with the cost of urgent and/or emergency treatments if the owners are unable to pay for this themselves. We also help to control the number of street animals by physically operating sterilisation campaigns (SNiPs) in many areas, or by helping other individuals with the costs associated with their own campaigns. Unfortunately, we do not have a rescue centre and are therefore unable to take in abandoned animals, although we can sometimes provide temporary foster care for very sick street animals. Our funds are raised from membership subscriptions and donations, from our permanent shops in Alvor and Silves and our occasional pop-up shops, and from various events. Our motto is ‘here to help’ and it is very rare that we are unable to provide some form of help to an animal in need. APAA were instrumental in helping ARA to launch their ‘Legacy for Pets’ campaign and we fully endorse the programme, which ensures that pets are found new homes should their owners die.
Animal Welfare Contact: Jenny Clarke
Email: info.apaaportugal@gmail.com
Helpline Contact: Zélia Santos
Email: vet.apaaportugal@gmail.com
Telephone: 913 185 543
Website: https://apaaportugal.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/apaaport/