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Ground clearance dates

UPDATE Article - 27-04-2023

Ground clearance dates

It's that time of year when the Bombeiros and councils are warning us to clear the flammable debris from around our homes. Members will no doubt have seen information that is already being circulated about the need to clean trees and shrubs around their property before the deadline of March 15th. If land is not properly cleared before that deadline fines may be issued. --As nossas desculpas por este artigo não ter tradução --

Remember too that the property owner is also responsible for the disposal of the material, advice about which can be obtained from your local Bombeiros station. 
If the land is owned by someone else, or if the owner of adjacent land is not known, the land also needs to be cleared if is within 50 metres of your property. If such land is not cleared you should contact either the GNR or the Câmara for them to take action.
If you have any doubt at all or want to discuss your own situation, you should contact the local Proteção Civil via the Câmara or local Bombeiros station.

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