Motoring fines

Data from the ANSR Portugal - 18/11/2024

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Motoring fines

Data from the ANSR Portugal

According to data from the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), in the first half of 2023 almost 70 million vehicles were stopped/inspected and there was an increase in infractions of around 20 percent. It won’t surprise most people to hear that speeding was the most common (67%), however that was followed by the lack of mandatory periodic inspection, before excess alcohol, using cell phones and then transporting children without an adequate restraint system.

We are asked about fines from time to time, particularly about carrying children in vehicles, and would like to remind Members about some rules to help you to avoid common infractions. Below you can find out what type of offence they represent, what fines can be imposed, and possible additional sanctions may be applied and of course how many points you can lose on your driving licence. 


within the localities

outside the localities

offense type


interruption of driving


up to 20km/h

up to 30km/h





20km/h – 40km/h






40km/h – 60km/h


very serious




More than 60km/h

More than 80km/h

very serious




Transporting children: Under 12 years of age and 135cm tall without a suitable restraint system is a serious offence and carries a fine of €120 to €600 per child and you can lose 2 licence points per child.

Mobile phones: Using or handling a cell phone while driving the vehicle is a serious offence. The fine ranges from €250 to €1250, includes a driving disqualification of between 1 to 12 months and takes away 3 points on your driving licence.

For more detailed information, please check our Driving in Portugal – DIP booklet (available for Members only).

Regarding fines, the driver can choose to pay the fine voluntarily and at the time of the infraction (if applicable), otherwise they will have 15 working days from the date of notification and must follow the instructions in the document. When you do so and there is no additional sanction (this is the case with minor administrative offences), the process ends. However, if you let the deadline pass, in addition to the fine, you will have to pay costs, which have a minimum value of €52.50.

The law does not allow extending the deadline for paying the fine but provides for the possibility of it being paid in instalments if it is greater than €210, with each instalment not being less than €50 and the payment period will be maximum 12 months.

Did you know that cyclists can also lose points on their licence? Cyclists who commit serious, or very serious offenses on the road may lose points on their driving licence. The loss of points occurs if they are sentenced to an additional driving sanction and if they have a driving licence. If they are not qualified to drive, the bicycle is confiscated for a period that a licence would be suspended, ranging from 2 months to 2 years.

The offences considered serious or very serious for cyclists include not respecting a STOP sign; running a red light; disregarding prohibition signs or travelling in the opposite direction on a road.

Conteúdo disponível apenas para membros.

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Medal segurosTurismo do AlgarvePortugal Resident

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