How to read a Contador
Electricity meters - 28/08/2024
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How to read a Contador
Electricity meters
The roll out of new meters is to be completed by the end of 2024, regardless of who consumers pay for their supply, and is intended to make billing more efficient and also more accurate. This will also mean the end of estimated readings, as electricity consumption will be recorded in real time. There will also be no need for anyone to access your meter to take a reading once the new meters are installed.
Another reason for installing the smart meters is that consumers will be able to view their electricity consumption in practically real time, which they believe will promote more efficient energy consumption habits. To view electricity consumption you can access the e-Redes digital counter https://balcaodigital.e-redes.pt/home, in order to customers be able to register the data, we have created a factsheet (FS41) which is available in the Members area.