Discover a world of savings with afpop CONNECT, your personal directory of businesses and service providers offering exclusive discounts to afpop members. With over 450 individual discounts from 368 providers across Portugal, you'll find incredible deals on everything from beauty and health to travel, construction, legal services, and more.
To enjoy these benefits, simply be an active afpop member.
Enter the directory by clicking on the CONNECT link below and also, more importantly, on your mobile phone. It’s not an ‘app’ that you have to download, you simply go to the afpop website, either on your computer, laptop or on a smart phone, click on the CONNECT logo and the Directory will be available for you.
You will see that you can either view all of the entries on the ‘View All’ tab, or select the section you want which are presented alphabetically starting with ‘Beauty and Fitness’, simply by scrolling down the list. You can also search for those services in your area by typing the town into the search box where it asks ‘Enter term’ and it will present the services closest to you.