What we do
Our Services
What we do
An Association that has served tens of thousands of Members since 1987 and which continues to serve the needs of thousands of Members every day.
Our team of dedicated staff work to find answers to questions so that you don’t have to, providing information in our extensive Information Bulletin system; sending regular UPDATE magazines to every Member to keep you informed of changes to laws, new Member Benefits, social activity and much more.
Not only do we have a huge store of accumulated and regularly updated information, but we are here by phone, e-mail or in person so afpop Members never again have to think “who can I ask” – they think instead “I’ll ask afpop”.
If that isn’t enough afpop Members can also save many times the annual Membership fee, just by taking advantage of the discounts negotiated for you exclusively. Just check out the Benefit Simulator on this page to get an idea of the savings that are available to you as a Member.
As the annual Membership fee equates to less than the cost of a cup of coffee a week - you really can’t afford NOT to be a Member.
Our Services
Information Service
We provide an information service, including bulletins, a newsletter, and a network of area organisers throughout Portugal.
Problem Solving
Problem solving assistance from afpop’s staff, in person at the office in Portimão, or by email or phone.
Advisory Services
Access to professional advisory services in English, German and other European languages, as well as Portuguese.
Discounts and more
Discounts and other special conditions from over 350 companies and service providers throughout Portugal.
Seminars, Exhibitions and Social Activities.
The promotion of good relations with the Portuguese authorities and people.

afpop is an organisation with non-profit making objectives, founded in 1987, which has evolved into the most important foreign residents' association in Portugal with the objective of assisting members from all nationalities to make the most of out of living and working in Portugal.

The range of services and activities provided through afpop is huge and growing. afpop affords access to the latest information concerning Portuguese laws, offers assistance with issues concerning members and negotiates financial benefits from health, motor and home insurances to many discounts with local traders for our members.

afpop's professional staff, working from the office in Portimão, assists the voluntary Management Council and Area representatives to help you make the most of living and working in Portugal.