Editorial Statutes
Editorial Statutes
- THE MAGAZINE is defined as an informative and non-doctrinal periodical publication, predominantly dedicated to presenting general information, without excluding, within appropriate limits of length and depth, specialised information.
- afpop UPDATE is independent of political power, namely the government and public administration, as well as economic, social and religious groups, governed by criteria of pluralism and non-partisanship, which implies a distanced style and form in approach to any topic.
- afpop UPDATE adopts as its purpose rigorous and competent information (in the sense of the most complete investigation of the facts possible), balanced (in hearing the interests involved) and objective (even when interpreting the events).
- afpop UPDATE respects and continues its honourable tradition of presenting the interests and rights of the less favoured sections of Portuguese society, without such guidance meaning compromise with demagogic or sensationalist practices.
- afpop UPDATE, through its contributors and under the responsibility of its director, undertakes to respect the legislation applicable to journalistic activity, namely the Press Law, as well as the ethical and deontological principles of the profession.