Bulletins & Factsheets
Bulletins & Factsheets
afpop provides a list of bulletins & factsheets available only to you as a member, will assist with the various aspects of moving to and living in Portugal.
G01E - Domestic Staff
Whether they are full-time or work for just a few hours a week, all domestic service workers are entitled to social protection. Accordingly, their employers are obliged to assume some responsibilities and comply with several formalities. Includes annex G01E Example Contract
G02E - Consulates
Contact details for the most requested diplomatic missions.
G03E - Lawyers
Did you know that lawyers and solicitors in Portugal are not exactly the same. They are governed by strict rules of conduct and client confidentiality.
G04E - Accountants
Do you know what are the main responsibilities and obligations of an accountant in Portugal, especially for individuals and small businesses and that there is a difference between a "Contabilista Certificado" (CC) and a "Consultores"?
G06E - Gardening Services
Brief overview of gardening services
G07E - Starting a business
Creating a company in Portugal is becoming easier, faster and more convenient. Please see our bulletin below which provides general information on this subject.
G08E - Pets
In this Bulletin we mainly provide information about the most commonly kept pets: dogs and cats. However, other species can provide interest and good company. For apartment dwellers the climate is good for tropical aquariums and for those living in rural areas there is the opportunity to take care of elderly donkeys and other larger domesticated animals.
G09E - Dog/cat Licence & Pet Certificates
Did you know: All dogs, cats, and (interestingly) ferrets in Portugal must be registered and licenced annually. This includes pets brought from other countries, which must be registered within 120 days of arrival. Find out more in this Bulletin.
S01E - Schools
Portugal's Education System, both national and private: A Brief Overview of Portuguese preschool, primary, and secondary schools.
S03E - Learning Portuguese
Learning a new language can be fun and challenging and whilst many Portuguese speak English, it can be rewarding to learn how to communicate in some circumstances: This Bulleting provides some essential information for learners.
Z01E - Political Parties
Portugal's parliament has 230 members elected for 4 years. Recent elections resulted in a hung parliament with the center-right PSD and center-left PS parties tied with 78 seats each. The Azores and Madeira are autonomous regions with their own legislative assemblies. Want to know more? Keep reading.
Z02E - Police
The two main police forces in Portugal are the PSP and GNR. Specialised units like the Polícia Judiciária and Forestry Police handle specific crimes, while recent reforms have restructured the police forces and introduced new agencies. Read on if you'd like to know more about the police in Portugal.
H01E - Habitation Licence
Habitation licences (Licença de Habitação or Habitabilidade, Licença de Utilização) are essential documents in Portugal that certify that a building has been constructed according to building regulations and is suitable for its intended use. This Bulletin provides an overview of the licensing process, including obtaining a licence for a new property and verifying existing licences.
H02E - Rates Document
The rates document is issued by the Department of Finances (Repartição de Finanças) of your local council (Concelho). This document records the value of the building or land for the purpose of calculating land taxes (IMI). It is an important document for resolving disputes about the exact extent of the property and the boundaries with neighbours. The document is required for purchase or sale of the property and when applying for building permission.
H03E - Title Deed for Property
Did you know that Buying property in Portugal is in two stages: a promissory contract and a contract of sale (Escritura Pública)? Find out more in this Bulletin.
H04E - Land Registry Certificate
Ownership of land and buildings in Portugal is recorded at the Land Registry (Conservatória do Registo Predial). This register holds details of the owner, as well as other rights to the property. This Bulletin includes a brief outline about the certificate Certidão de Teor Predial/Certidão Permanente Predial.
H05E - Building Contractors
When planning any project, consider hiring a licensed building contractor for quality workmanship and adherence to regulations. Our Bulletin provides information to help you with the process and to help you towards a successful, problem free build.
H07E - Construction
When planning to build a new home in Portugal there are many factors to consider, such as location, regulations and even climate. To find out more about construction in Portugal read this Bulletin.
H08E - Property Management
If you're planning to purchase a Portuguese property but won't live there permanently, or already own a property and want to consider renting it out, consider these management strategies that are presented in this Bulletin.
H09E - Property Buying & Selling
Whether you're looking to invest in Portuguese real estate or simply find your dream home, understanding the legal and financial aspects is crucial. afpop strongly recommends seeking professional advice from lawyers, financial advisors, and bureaucratic assistants. This Bulletin outlines the documents and processes involved in buying or selling property in Portugal.
H10E - Habitation Rental
Whether you're seeking a cosy apartment in the heart of Lisbon or a villa overlooking the Algarve coast, this Bulletin will equip you with information to navigate the Portuguese rental market.
H11E - Monitoring Development Near your Property
When living in a developing area, it's essential to be aware of potential construction projects that could impact your property. This Bulletin offers insights into how to stay informed about neighbouring developments and understand the legal protections available to property owners in Portugal.
H12E - Condominium Regulations
This Bulletin contains a translation of the Condominium Regulation and Notes, “Guia do Condomínio,” which is produced by DECO (Portuguese Consumers’ Association).
H13E - Holiday Rental Licence
In Portugal, smaller holiday rental properties such as villas, apartments, rooms and guest houses, are classed as ‘Local Lodging’, or ‘Alojamento local’ (AL), under the legislation governing Tourist Rental properties. Here we outline the rules and regulations for such properties.
I02E - Household Insurance
The most valuable asset of many Members is their house and its contents. It is therefore false economy not to insure them properly, or to insure them for an amount below their true worth.
I03E - Car Insurance
The terms and conditions of policies issued by other insurance companies or agents may vary and members are advised to make detailed enquiries before deciding where to place their motor vehicle insurance. Members should also take account of the position of any intermediary they work through, in particular the assistance that will be provided in the event of a claim having to be made.
I04E - Health Insurance
This Bulletin discusses some of the factors to consider when choosing a policy. In all cases afpop recommends that Members take professional advice before making a final decision..
I05E - Travel Insurance
This Bulletin provides information on the types of travel insurance available in Portugal. The Bulletin indicates some of the factors to consider when choosing a policy. In all cases afpop recommends that members take professional advice before selecting a travel insurance policy.
L01E - Gardens
Did you know that many of the common household herbs you use originated in the Mediterranean region, making them naturally suited to the Portuguese climate? Or that that Portuguese gardens, compared to Northern European ones, require a more specialised approach due to the warmer, drier climate? This Bulletin will help you make choices about decorating your garden.
L02E - Boats
To operate a boat in Portugal you need to register it and obtain a license to operate it. Registration involves proof of ownership and can take up to 12 months. Find out more in this Bulletin
L04E - Fishing
Planning a fishing trip in Portugal? Learn about license requirements, catch limits, and restricted areas to ensure an enjoyable and legal experience.
M01E - Permission to Drive
A document you can download and use to inform the police that the vehicle is not being used without the owner’s knowledge if lent to a friend or family member to drive.
M02E - Car Documents
Understand the process and documents required to register a vehicle in Portugal and how to transfer ownership.
M03E - Car Tax (IUC)
Pay your car tax in Portugal with ease! This bulletin covers rates, exemptions, and a step-by-step guide for how to pay, including by Direct Debit.
M04E - Car Importation
Thinking of importing your car to Portugal? You’ll need to understand the process, eligibility for tax exemptions and the necessary documents. Get more information here in this comprehensive Bulletin.
M05E - Buying & selling a Motor Vehicle
Purchasing a car in Portugal is far easier than importing one. This Bulletin covers the ins and outs of vehicle purchase here.
M06E - Roadworthiness Inspection & Certificate
Did you know that Portugal's roadworthiness test includes a check for the vehicle's cleanliness?. If the vehicle is excessively dirty, it can fail the inspection as this may obscure important details that need to be assessed, or that for hybrid and electric cars, the inspection includes an analysis of the battery's conservation status and the high-voltage electrical circuit to ensure the safety and reliability of these vehicles? Find out more in this Bulletin.
M07E - Automatic Motorway Tolls
The system for charging tolls on motorways in Portugal came into force in 2010 and there are several ways to make payments for trips on toll roads. This Bulletin includes information on how to identify toll roads and the various payment options, including visitors to Portugal and foreign registered vehicles.
Notary - Legal
N01E - Pre-death Planning
Proper estate planning in Portugal involves organising important documents, updating financial information and making your wishes known regarding funeral arrangements and organ donation. Our Bulletin makes the process easier to understand.
N02E - Winding up an Estate
An outline of the legal procedures for winding up a deceased person's estate in Portugal. It covers the steps of obtaining copies of the will, tracing beneficiaries, valuing assets, identifying and disposing of debts, cancelling services, notifying authorities, selling assets, and distributing inheritances.
N03E - Marriage
Marriage in Portugal has legal implications beyond the ceremony. It affects property ownership, financial responsibilities, and inheritance rights. In Portugal civil registry and Catholic marriages are recognised. Other religious ceremonies will also require a separate civil wedding.
N04E - Divorce
An overview of the divorce process in Portugal, highlighting the potential challenges and the importance of seeking legal advice, covering property distribution, child custody, and maintenance agreements.
N05E - Births
Did you know that Portugal offers a range of options for expectant mothers, from hospital births under the supervision of medical professionals to home births with the assistance of midwives? This Bulletin covers these options along with further information on what to do following the birth of a child.
N06E - Wills
Information on creating a will for Portuguese assets. Highlighting the differences between Anglo-Saxon and Portuguese conventions, emphasising Portugal's forced inheritance laws. The EU Succession Regulation is also explained.
N07E - Death & Burial (I)
This Bulletin (Part I) is a guide for surviving loved ones on the first steps to take after a death in Portugal. It clarifies the process of obtaining official confirmation of death and outlines the different scenarios based on where the death occurs (home, outside the home, hospital/nursing home).
N08E - Death & Burial (II)
This Bulletin provides guidance on the process of burial or cremation in Portugal, including the repatriation of remains, covering notifying authorities, appointing a funeral director, and making arrangements for the deceased's wishes. It also covers funeral costs, burial practices, and cremation options. Additionally, it addresses repatriation procedures and religious factors related to cremation.
P01E - Fiscal Number (NIF)
From buying property to opening a bank account, you need a tax number as identification for various daily transactions in Portugal, including tax-related activities.
P02E - Residência EU Citizens
This Bulletin gives information on the general procedure for obtaining a Residence permit in Portugal for EU citizens.
P03E - Residencia Non-EU citizens
Portuguese Residence (Residência) permits are different for non-EU citizens and visas apply only to them. This Bulletin includes information on the general procedure for obtaining a visa and/or a Residence permit in Portugal in a Question and Answer format.
P04E - Driving Licence
Our Bulletin covers the process of registering, renewing, or exchanging your driving licence in Portugal as required.
P05E - Electors Registration
Did you know that some foreign residents are entitled to register and vote in certain elections in Portugal? This Bulletin covers the process for registering and voting in Portugal.
P06E - Birth Certificates
This bulletin will help you to understand the Portuguese birth registration process, including obtaining a birth certificate and protecting your child's nationality rights in Portugal.
P07E - Leaving Portugal
If you’re leaving Portugal permanently make sure you do it correctly. This Bulletin outlines who you need to contact and why you need to inform them.
P08E - Occupation Contract
Do you occupy your home on a rent-free basis? If so it is prudent to document the occupation with an Occupation Contract (Contrato de Comodato).
P09E - Dates for your Diary
Important dates for paperwork. When to file your taxes or get your fishing licence renewed. Keep your dog legal and your bills up to date.
P10E - Documents you must carry
At times we need to Identify ourselves to the authorities. Did you know that you have a legal requirement to carry certain documents with you at all times. Find out more here.
P11E - Medical Card
Did you know that as a resident you are entitled to use the national health care service (SNS)? Would you like to know how to access healthcare in Portugal Our bulletin walks you through the process of obtaining a Medical Card and granting you access to the Serviço National de Saude.
T01E - IRS - Personal Taxation of Individuals
Discover the main updates, filing requirements, deadlines, for Portugal's Individual Income Tax (IRS)
T02E - IMI - Real Estate Tax
Do you own a property in Portugal? Understanding the IMI tax is essential. Here you will find a clear overview of the tax, including exemptions, rates, and payment procedures.
T03E - Gift & Inheritance Tax
Gift & Inheritance tax was abolished by the Portuguese Government in 2004 and Stamp Duty (Imposto de Selo) is now used as a substitute. Find out more about the duties levied on individuals receiving or inheriting an asset.
T04E - IRC
All companies earning income in Portugal are subject to Corporate Income Tax (IRC). Learn more about the ins and outs of it here.
T05E - IMT
Keep informed about the Municipal Transfer Tax (IMT) with this comprehensive Bulletin. Discover key information on exemptions, calculations, and more.
T06E - IVA
Understanding the complexities of IVA (value-added tax) in Portugal is essential for businesses and individuals alike. From understanding rates and exemptions to fulfilling your obligations, this Bulletin provides a comprehensive insight, to make sure you don’t fall foul of the tax man.
T07E - Capital Gains Tax
Portuguese Capital Gains Tax: Selling property in Portugal can trigger tax implications. Understand the exemptions, calculation methods, and reinvestment options.
U01E - Electricity
A comprehensive guide to understanding your the Portuguese electricity providers, your options, tariffs, and consumption. Helping you to make informed choices and save on your electricity costs.
U02E - Telephone
Portugal Phone Services: A necessity in today’s world, but what options are available for consumers in Portugal? This Bulletin highlights the various providers offering fixed-line and mobile options, enabling you to compare features, prices, and coverage to find the perfect plan for you.
U03E - Post Office
Portugal's postal service is called CTT, which offers a surprising variety of services beyond just letters and parcels. From bill payments to financial products, they can be your one-stop shop for everyday needs. They also offer a service to help prevent identity theft. This Bulletin will help you to understand CTT's services and how they can help you, beyond simply posting a letter.
U04E - Water
The water supply in Portugal is managed by local councils or regional water companies. While water quality has improved, individual connections and invoicing can vary by region. Consumers can check with their local council for specific procedures to help to conserve water, such as more efficient gardening practices and pool maintenance.
U05E - Gas
Gas is a popular energy source in Portugal, and is available through piped gas or bottled gas. While convenient, gas requires proper installation and maintenance to ensure safety. Find out more in this Information Bulletin.
Fact Sheets
FS01E - Caderneta Predial online
“Caderneta Predial” is the registration document from Finanças relative to your property. You may now obtain a copy of it online but in order to do this, you will need to request a password (pedir senha) on the same site. Only after you have this password you will be able to enter your private file and follow the steps.
FS05E - Hunting
Hunting (Caça) in Portugal is allowed between August and February in areas designated for the purpose. These areas, or ‘Zones’, are identified by use of markers which clearly describe the kind of hunting area and also mark ‘No Hunting’ zones. Hunters (Caçadors) MUST be licenced (Carta de Caçador) and must follow the law about when and where they are allowed to hunt. Generally hunting is allowed on Sunday’s and Thursdays only.
FS06E - Recycling
Recycling is a topic that divides opinions. This afpop Fact Sheet is not intended to discuss the rights and wrongs of recycling, or what could be done better or should be done with our household waste. This is simply the facts behind recycling in the Algarve, which will be expanded to include other parts of Portugal if we are able to gather that information in due course.
FS07E - Living Wills
Members have asked us how they could register their Will and we have compiled this basic Fact Sheet to help inform you and assist in the implementation of the process. The following document translates the individual information paragraphs and the wording of the separate boxes that are included in the form.
FS10E - Power of Attorney
The power of attorney is a formal and legal instrument through which one person authorises another to act on their behalf. That is, it is a legal instrument that allows the voluntary granting of powers from one person (grantor) to the other (proxy). For example, the granting of powers for the use of a bank account, for the accomplishment of university registration, for the celebration of contracts, to marry, for participation in assemblies of condominium, etc. It is the most usual way to give such a mandate (a business entered into specifically when one receives powers from another to perform acts in the latter's interest).The power of attorney must be written and can be granted through a private instrument, or by public instrument or authenticated private instrument.
FS11E - Financas payments by Direct Debit
In this Fact Sheet we show how to set up a Direct Debit (DD) payment on the Finanças website.
FS13E - Payments by Multibanco
From time to time our Members ask us for help in understanding the steps, for example to be able to pay for afpop Membership renewal. The operation is quite easy and to make a payment at a Multibanco machine you follow the steps below.
FS19E - Chave Movel Digital
In this Fact Sheet you will find the necessary information to make your appointments in several public services, or private portals, and sign digital documents, with a single login.
FS21E - ISV Simulator
In this Fact Sheet you will find the necessary information to calculate your ISV – car import tax (Imposto Sobre Veículos).
FS22E - Finanças complaint
In this Fact Sheet we explain how to record your complaint/question in the Finanças website.
FS25E - Postage non-EU
In this Fact Sheet we explain the procedures for packages sent from Portugal to non-EU countries and vice-versa.
FS29E - Disabled Distich (Blue Badge)
If you are a person with reduced mobility or have another type of disability, you may have already heard of the disabled distich (blue badge). In this Fact Sheet we address some of the most frequently asked questions about it; what it consists of, who can apply for it and how to obtain the distich.
FS30E - How to apply for Financas password
In this Fact Sheet we provide step-by-step instructions on how to obtain login details for the Finanças website.
FS31E - Schengen 90/180 rule – UK citizens
The rules are more complicated than it first appears, regarding when the 180-day period starts and when it might be ‘refreshed’. We have found it impossible to arrive at a definitive answer; however, we hope that the information below will offer some assistance.
FS32E - Complaints Book
The Livro de Reclamações (Complaints Book) in Portugal, through which consumers can make a complaint or express their opinion in relation to a particular service or company, is available electronically and they can also be submitted in person by requesting the complaint book at the store/office.
FS33E - 112 Call Script
Encountering an emergency situation is stressful and frightening, made more so when having to deal with people over the phone and in a language that we are not confident in. This Fact Sheet aims to give help in those times, by allowing you to prepare what you will say and learn some basic terms before you have to use them in an emergency.
FS36E - Fiscal Representation
The reason for needing a Fiscal Representative is that Finanças do not post correspondence outside of EU/Schengen and will need a representative here in Portugal who can receive your correspondence and make sure you comply with declarations, payments and any other instructions from the Finanças etc. This representative can be anyone who has a fiscal number in Portugal and who IS a Resident here or it can be an accountant/document agency/lawyer etc.
FS38E - CTT Automatic Lockers - LOCKY
Members might have seen the storage lockers from CTT located in several places. They are lockers where you can safely receive packages if your post-box it is not big enough or if your address is difficult to find for example. Currently, the best-known option belongs to CTT and is called Cacifo CTT Locky or Cacifos24H. Customers can receive purchases from any online store, which means that regardless of whether the store you use has this shipping method or not, you can receive your order in the ‘Locky’ of your choice. It is important to clarify that membership is free until the 31st of December 2022 (normally has a cost of 1,50€), as payment is made with each order.
FS41E - How to read a contador
This Fact Sheet will assist your on how to read a smart meter (contador).