2025 Holiday dates

Public holidays in Portugal - 08/01/2025

2025 Holiday dates

Public holidays in Portugal

The following are the dates for public, or National, holidays in Portugal in 2025.
 Feriados Nacionais National Holidays 
01-JanAno Novo New Year
18-AprSexta-Feira SantaGood Friday
25-AprDia da LiberdadeLiberty Day
01-MayDia do TrabalhadorMay Day
10-JunDia de PortugalPortugal Day
19-JunCorpo de DeusCorpus Christi
15-AugAssunção Assumption of the Virgin
05-OctImplantação da RepúblicaFoundation of the Republic
01-NovDia de Todos os SantosAll Saints Day
01-DecRestauração da IndependênciaRestauration of Independence
08-DecImaculada ConceiçãoImmaculate Conception 

Feriados Municipais / Town Holidays 

Authorities, Banks, Mercados and some offices and shops are closed.

Each town in Portugal also has a public holiday, so if you are travelling to another town or are not sure when there is holiday in your own town, you can find a complete list in the ‘agenda’ in most Portuguese diaries or online

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