FS11E - Financas payments by Direct Debit

Category : Fact Sheets

FS11E - Financas payments by Direct Debit

In this Fact Sheet we show how to set up a Direct Debit (DD) payment on the Finanças website.

To set up a Direct Debit (DD) payment on the Finanças website, please watch our 'How to...' video below or follow the step-by-step instructions below.

direct debit finanças 

  1. Enter your fiscal number and password to access the Portal das Finanças and press ‘Autenticar
Log in Finanças


  1. Then type ‘Débito Direto’ in the search bar 
activate direct debit finanças


  1. Click where it says ‘Pedido de Adesão’ and afterwords where it says ‘Novo Pedido de Adesão

debito direto finanças

how to set up dd finanças

  1. Choose what you want to pay in ‘Finalidade’: IRS; IRC; IMI or IUC

Check your bank details and choose ‘Continuar

If you want to change the IBAN, you can do this to click on the link where it says ‘Alteração de NIB/IBAN’. Make sure you fill in the NIB/IBAN without any spaces in between    

Select the ‘Tipo de Pagamento’ (type of payment): - Recorrente (recurring) or Pontual (singular)

irs imi iuc aimi

  1. For example, imagine that you have chosen the IUC payment option; this box should appear with your bank details and the authorisation in your name. Press ‘Confirmação then scroll down to print the document and press ‘Imprimir Documento Provisório’.

dd confirmation finanças

Please note that the document you print is proof that you have set up a DD, not proof of payment of the associated tax. You should keep this document in case there is any problem with the eventual payment, in order to prove that you set up the DD and the date on which it was confirmed. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail from Finanças, telling you when the DD payment will be taken from your account.

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