FS21E - ISV Simulator

Category : Fact Sheets

FS21E - ISV Simulator

In this Fact Sheet you will find the necessary information to calculate your ISV – car import tax (Imposto Sobre Veículos).

The online simulator in the Finanças website can be used to calculate the ISV when importing a car (on the customs website - Alfândega). You will need to have the personal password (senha) to access the Portuguese Finanças website and make sure that you have the following information about the car:

  • Age (month and year of first registration)

  • Country it is registered in

  • Power (CC)

  • Petrol/Diesel 

  • If diesel = particles (>=0.001 g/km OR <0.001 g/km)

  • CO2 emission (urban/mixed g/km)

You will find the link to the Finanças website HERE.

Access the portal, log in and then and click on “Alfândegas

ISV simulator

Then click “Serviços Aduaneiros

ISV simulator

Choose "Simuladores" on the left side menu

ISV simulator

In the simulator you will just need to enter the vehicle data as shown below

ISV simulator Finanças

País da matricula do veículo (Country where the car is matriculated) 

Estado membro da União Europeia (EU member state)

País terceiro (Other countries)


Tipo de veículo (Type of veículo)

Most used:

Lig. Passageiro (Light passenger vehicle)

Lig. Passageiro GPL (Light passenger vehicle LPG)

Lig. Híbrido (Hybrid vehicle)

Lig. Híbrido Plug-In (Hybrid vehicle Plug-In)

Autocaravana (Campervan)

Veículo < 1970 (Vehicle < 1970)

Moto tri quad (motorcycles/quad bikes)


Novo/Usado (Novo: New, Usado: Used) – then add year, month, date


Cilindrada (Power (CC))


Tipo de combustível (Type of fuel) – Gasolina : Petrol , Gasóleo : Diesel


Tipo de testes CO2 (Type of CO2 tests)

The test – called the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) – was designed in the 1980s and became outdated and the European Union has therefore prepared a new test, called the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) that applies from September 2017.

New cars sold in the transition periods 2018 and 2019 could have gone through NEDC or WLTP procedures. To be sure if your car had NEDC or WLTP please check your car documents (DUA, COC, manual, etc.). 

Therefor cars registered before September 2017 must choose NECD and cars registered from 2020 must choose WLTP.


Emissão Gases CO2 (CO2 Emission)


Partículas (Particles for diesel cars) (>=0.001 g/km OR <0.001 g/km)


Press “Calcular ISV” (Calculate ISV)




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