G08E - Pets

In this Bulletin we mainly provide information about the most commonly kept pets: dogs and cats. However, other species can provide interest and good company. For apartment dwellers the climate is good for tropical aquariums and for those living in rural areas there is the opportunity to take care of elderly donkeys and other larger domesticated animals.

Travelling with pets to and from Portugal 
Within Europe you may take your pets when travelling to another Member State. Each country has its own requirements so you should first check with your Vet or with the consulate of the country you are travelling to as well as those on route. Some countries may require an inspection at the border. Sweden requires that the importation is registered and that certain health tests are completed.

Pet Travel Documents

  • Pet passport issued by a Vet with up-to-date rabies vaccine (issued 24 to 48 hours before traveling + deworming both internal and external)

  • Proof of ISO-compliant microchip

  • Health certificate filled out before flying

You will need to purchase an extra pet airline ticket and figure out whether your pet will go in the cargo hold or cabin with you. This will depend on the airline, but for the most part, dogs, and cats in soft container up to 8 kilograms can be carried in the cabin. If your pet is an assistance dog, they can travel with you in the cabin at any weight. Pets in containers up to 32 or 45 kilograms will travel in the cargo hold.

You can only travel to Portugal through commercial flights without quarantining your pet (dogs, cats, and ferrets). Portugal has set up a number of requirements that you need to make sure you follow. You will need a Pet Passport, issued by your Vet that will also track vaccinations. If you are not in the EU, including the UK, you cannot get an EU pet passport, instead, you will just get an animal health certificate which is valid for 4 months.

Your pet needs to be vaccinated against rabies, either with the one, two, or three-year vaccine. Rabies vaccines must be administered at the same time or after your pet is microchipped. The microchip must be ISO-compliant. Pets must also wait at least 21 days after receiving the rabies vaccine before arriving in Portugal. You will also need to fill in a health certificate prior to the flight and then one within 10 days of arrival, signed by a veterinarian.

Also, pets that are less than 12 weeks old are not allowed to travel.

Pets coming from countries outside the EU
Regulation (EU) No 576/2013, repealing Regulation (EC) No 998/2003, was established on the 29th of December 2014 new sanitary and check conditions related with pet animals travelling to the EU from countries outside the EU.

Pets are checked in at the Travelers’ Points of Entry (e.g. Airports). It is compulsory to write to the competent authority at the Travelers’ Point of Entry this should be done by the owner or authorised person on behalf of the owner 48 hours prior to the arrival of the pet. You can download the form HERE for thi purpose.

Acquiring Portuguese Pets 
You can adopt a pet in Portugal by visiting a Municipal kennel or a local Pet Rescue Association where you will be able to find both young and adult animals. On the other hand you are looking for a pedigree dog, you may wish to consider one of the recognised Portuguese breeds: Serra de Estrela; Cão de Água; Serra de Aires, Fila de São Miguel, Castro Laboreiro, Rafeiro do Alentejo, Podengo Português, and the Perdigueiro Português. These are bred for the climate, and you will be contributing to preserving these breeds. The kennel club can provide a list of official breeders.  You can contact them at: 

Clube Português de Canicultura 

Email: info@cpc.pt

Lisboa area 
Rua Frei Carlos - 7, 
1600-095 Lisboa
Tel: 217 994 790

Porto area 
Rua Dr. Alfredo Magalhães - 40, 
4000-061 Porto
Tel: 222 050 724

There are many pet shops, often providing good service and assistance. If you are buying a pedigree, make sure that the official registration papers are provided, see below about registration. However, a good alternative is to consider an animal that has been abandoned and under the protection of one of the volunteer associations. 

Care of pets 
Because of the high temperatures, pets need to have access to shade and plenty of water. In rural areas ticks and fleas can be a problem, especially where there are lots of vegetation and livestock such as goats or sheep.  

Inoculations and general health care 
There is a legal requirement to vaccinate dogs against rabies once they reach 3 months old and then every 3 years thereafter. Your Vet will provide an international certificate of vaccination which records details of the dog and its vaccination history. Municipal Councils also carry out annual rabies vaccination campaigns. Your Vet may recommend other vaccinations against common illnesses such as distemper, hepatitis, and viral infections. Sand fly disease and heart worm are also endemic to Portugal but can be protected against. You should also be aware of the leishmaniasis prevention.

Pets and other people 
Urban dwelling brings with it limitations to the type of pets that are acceptable. Cities now have regulations about dogs littering and require dogs to be kept on a leash in public areas. Dogs are generally not permitted to run free on public bathing beaches. Large dogs may find your apartment too small; they may also need areas to run free, and their barking can disturb neighbours. In rural areas your neighbours are likely to keep poultry and other free-range livestock. If your dog is allowed to run loose even small varieties can easily cause considerable damage. 

Pets and the law 
All dogs must be registered and licensed with the Municipal Council (see Bulletin G09E) from the age of four-months and re-registered annually. Pets without microchips are considered strays, they can be rounded up by the Municipal Council and eventually be given for adoption. Generally, owners are responsible for damage or nuisance caused by their pets. 

Portugal (and the rest of the EU) is a signatory of CITES, the convention on trade in endangered species. There are over 800 animals and plant species in which trade is prohibited, and a further 20.000 for which trade is controlled. In general, proper export and import documentation will be required for exotic species such as monkeys, snakes, chameleons, parrots, tropical fish, etc.

Pet charities, kennels and pet carers in Portugal 
In the Portugal there are many pet and animal protection charities for dogs, cats and for retired donkeys. Abandoned dogs are becoming more of a problem around the urban centres, and a few voluntary charities are now providing a rescue service. They merit support and are a good place to start to find a new pet. 

Commercial boarding kennels should be registered with their Municipal Councils. They usually advertise through the social media, yellow pages, and the local press.

If you find an animal in the street you must Disclose that you have found an animal, this must be done as soon as possible. There is a platform for sharing missing pets which are lost or found in Portugal encontra-me, where you must register the occurrence in “Encontrou um animal?” (found an animal).

It can also be done through municipal kennels and any entity that provides animal assistance (veterinary clinics, for example), this will ensure it reaches the largest number of people possible (with the goal of reaching the owner). Photographs and the place where you found the animal can be disseminated and shared through social networks.

Until the owner is not found, a shelter should be offered for the lost animal if possible (municipal kennel, associations, host families, among others).

Clubs, shows and events 
Pedigree dogs may be registered with the Clube Português de Canicultura (the kennel club), with offices in Lisbon and Porto. It maintains a register of pedigrees and issues certificates of registration (LOP, Livro de Origens Português). There are many clubs for specific breeds, and shows, obedience trials and competitions are held throughout the country.

Ultimately always check with your local Vet or pet shop for more detailed information.

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