P01E - Fiscal Number (NIF)
Category : Paperwork
P01E - Fiscal Number (NIF)
The Portuguese fiscal number is necessary for nearly anything in Portugal. To open a bank account, to buy a car or a property in this country or even just to ask for an invoice anywhere. This includes all adult foreign nationals who own property, operate a business, are employed, or seek residence in Portugal. A tax registration number is also needed to sign a long-term rental agreement, sign an employment contract and obtain tax rebates. You must also carry it with you when driving.
Everyone due to pay taxes in Portugal must apply for a tax registration number (NIF - Número de Identificação Fiscal ou Número de Contribuinte).
If you do not have a fixed residency in Portugal, in order to request your tax registration number for the first time, you must apply to your local Tax Office (Repartição de Finanças) and provide them with the address of where you reside in the EU. You must show some kind of document that states that address. If you do not have an address in the EU, then you will need a fiscal representative to apply on your behalf. For non-EU citizens, if you have an income in Portugal or own a property or a vehicle and are not a resident here, you will also need a fiscal representative. A fiscal representative can be anyone who is either Portuguese or a resident in Portugal with their own NIF-number. Lawyers and accountants usually offer this kind of service.
To request your NIF you can go to your local Tax Office in person, or your fiscal representative can request it online. A Fiscal Representative can be anyone who is either Portuguese or a resident in Portugal with their own NIF number. Lawyers and accountants usually offer this kind of service.
After you have become a resident in Portugal, you need to inform the Finanças of your change of status and your Portuguese address. You should also send an e-mail to Finanças to take off your fiscal representative.
If you move, you must report the change of address to the Tax Office, this is not done automatically even if you buy a new property and register it with Finanças. This can be done at any Tax Department in the country. Your local office is likely to be more convenient. The Tax Offices are usually found in the main towns of each council district (Concelho). A change of address can also be done on the Finanças website.
Finanças website
Once you have your fiscal number you can ask for a personal login to the Finanças website. For this you must access the Finanças website, choose “Registar-se” in the top right-hand corner and fill in all the details (it helps to turn the translator of your browser on). When you have done your registration online the password (Senha) will be sent to you by post. Once you have the password you can do several things online such as pay your car tax, submit your IRS declaration, change your address etc.
First-time Application
You will need proof of identity. For non-resident individuals this can be either an identity card from a European Union country, or a Passport.
Any further mail about taxation such as bills will go to the address provided.