P05E - Electors Registration

Category : Paperwork

P05E - Electors Registration

Did you know that some foreign residents are entitled to register and vote in certain elections in Portugal? This Bulletin covers the process for registering and voting in Portugal.

Some foreign residents are entitled to register and vote in certain elections in Portugal. Although Portuguese citizens must register to vote, registration is voluntary for resident foreigners. 

Who has the right to register? 
Citizens of the European Union resident in Portugal have the right to register to vote in Local Government (eleições autárquicas) and European elections (eleições europeias). 

Citizens from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and from the UK, with legal residence in Portugal for over 3 years may also register to vote in Local Government elections only.

Citizens of Brazil and Cape Verde, with legal residence in Portugal for more than 2 years may register to vote in Local Government elections.

How to register? 
The registration process is very simple and costs nothing. First-time registration and transfer of registration can be made at any time at the offices of your local Parish Council (Junta de Freguesia) up to 60 days before elections take place. 

To register for the first time just take along your valid Portuguese Residence Card (Cartão de Residência) or Passport for an EU member. 

To transfer your registration from another town you need to complete a registration (Verbete de Inscrição) or a transfer (Impresso de Transferência) form.

Once you are registered there is normally no need to re-register unless you move to a different parish “freguesia”. In that case you must go to your new Junta de Freguesia and inform them of your change of address. All voters with UK nationality already registered in the Portuguese voting system as EU citizens keep their registration, however, they are automatically transferred to ER voters (Estrangeiro Residente - foreigner resident).

How to check your registration? 
You can check your registration every June (between 11th and 25th) at your Parish Council Office (Junta de Freguesia). If there is an error in the registration record (Cadernos Eleitorais), make a written complaint to the Constituency Registration Commission (Comissão Recenseadora). 

How to vote
On voting day you may cast your vote between 9am and 7pm. You will need to go to the voting hall (assembleia de voto) armed with your Identity Card (or other Portuguese document with a photograph).

If you have registered at your local Parish Council with the "Certificado de Pedido de Título de Residência” and Passport you will need to show both in order to vote since the ‘Certificado’ it does not have a photo, so it cannot be used as an identification document. The Voter’s Card is no longer necessary. At the voting hall look for the signs telling you which Voting Table (Mesa de Voto) to use. Each table deals with a range of voter's numbers and usually one table is reserved for foreign residents. 

At the table show your valid Residência card and you will receive the Voting Form (Boletim de Voto). There is a curtained chamber where you fill in the Voting Form, indicating your chosen candidate or Political Party by placing a cross in the box alongside the name. Fold the Voting Form in two, with the written part hidden inside, go back to the Voting Table and place your folded Voting Form in the sealed box (urna). The scrutineers will mark that you have voted in the Voting Register 

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