S03E - Learning Portuguese

Category : Education

S03E - Learning Portuguese

Learning a new language can be fun and challenging and whilst many Portuguese speak English, it can be rewarding to learn how to communicate in some circumstances: This Bulleting provides some essential information for learners.

Learning Portuguese 
Living in a foreign country is so much more interesting and far less frustrating once one is able to communicate well. Knowing the language is a key to understanding the culture and why things are done as they are. It can reveal areas that other cultures undervalue or may even not even be aware of. For those members who work, knowledge of Portuguese can be critical to success. Students who attend local schools will find that their results depend very much on how well they understand the language, and how well they are able to express their knowledge in Portuguese. 

Learning Portuguese for young people 
Young people usually find learning a language so much easier than adults. Nevertheless, children from non-Portuguese speaking families will be at a disadvantage at school. They will generally have a poorer understanding of the language and will be missing much of the cultural background, such as nursery rhymes and fairy tales, assumed by their teachers. Most teachers have little training in educating second language speakers, and a child with poor language skills may easily be considered a slow learner. 

An important factor in learning Portuguese seems to be the opportunity to hear and use the language as much as possible, and from people who speak well. Early attendance at nursery school and primary school helps a lot. Watching Portuguese TV instead of foreign language channels can provide a wider experience of the language. For older children reading in Portuguese can help in widening their vocabulary, for younger ones bed time stories in Portuguese are an option. However, much depends on motivation. For young people who are new to Portugal an intensive course geared for their age group could be a good investment to ensure that they settle in as soon as possible. Many of the better language schools, especially those in Lisbon and Porto, are able to offer such courses. 

Learning Portuguese for adults 
The teaching of English as a second language for adults has been extensively developed and uses methods that are very different from those used in schools with young students. To find teachers of Portuguese who understand such techniques and have access to the appropriate materials is not always easy. Nevertheless, for most people it is easiest to learn Portuguese in Portugal, where it is possible to hear the language every day. Generally the more established language schools are able to provide such courses. 

Some language schools offer intensive courses in which a reasonable level of knowledge and ability can be reached after only a few weeks. Others offer the more usual part time courses in small groups; these of course take much longer to reach a reasonable ability, but are less expensive. An alternative is to follow a self-taught Lingua phone type course. Sources of information are the afpop Service Directory, Yellow Pages (try Escolas) and the foreign language press. 

Gaining a qualification in Portuguese 
Until recently there have been few qualifications for second language speakers recognised in Portugal. One route has been to take the 12th class examination as an external student. Various foreign examination boards, (such as those in the UK), are also able to undertake assessments and provide qualification certificates. However, the Language Faculty of the University of Lisbon has now been accredited with assessing the language abilities of adult second language speakers. They provide for various levels of certification from basic knowledge, through capacity to work and undertake a university course, and finally the capacity to undertake research into the cultural aspects of the language. The qualifications are recognised for university entrance in Portugal. Their examinations take place in Lisbon, Porto and Faro. 

Language schools will be able to provide further information.

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